The aim of our mediation activities is to encourage the public to deepen their knowledge while drawing on their own. In this way, the Foundation aims to encourage involvement and active participation in the creation of new experiences. Mediation initiatives include educational and artistic co-creation projects, artist and researcher residencies, and projects that promote the active involvement of the public in the development of the museum’s activities.
Research-creation residency: Call for projects – Deadline: June 14, 2024
For over ten years, the Fondation has welcomed artists in residence who wish to develop projects with a historical perspective and an interest in creating dialogues with the work of Guido Molinari. Through these residencies, the Foundation aims to become involved in current aesthetic and theoretical debates, to revisit bodies of art history with a contemporary eye, and to promote the work of current Quebec artists in a way that resonates with the issues raised by Molinari’s work.

Tea at the studio – Once per exhibition
For each new exhibition, enjoy extended opening hours during an evening of mediation entitled Tea at the studio. Join our team for a guided tour of the current exhibition, while enjoying an infusion from Herboristerie Desjardins.
The date of the next Tea at the studio will be announced shortly.

Onsite mediation – At all times
Take advantage of our team’s presence during your visit of our exhibitions to ask questions and share your impressions. In addition to presenting the exhibitions, our volunteers and team members will provide you with additional information about the artists, the works and the Foundation.

Commented tour: Fiona Annis – March 16, 2024
Take part in a guided tour with artist Fiona Annis, who will present the results of her artistic residency at the Foundation as part of her exhibition Correspondences, from March 14 to May 19, 2024.

Call to all – Winter 2024
The Foundation team invites you to enrich the content of our exhibitions by participating in our ideation sessions, which will take place on Thursday afternoons between January 18 and February 22, 2024: your knowledge, personal or professional experience, anecdotes or archives relating to the poetry of Fernande Saint-Martin and Guido Molinari are most welcome.
In particular, we’re looking for audiovisual content on the subject. If you are unable to attend one of the sessions in person, we invite you to send your contribution at info[a]

Curator talk – September 16, 2023
Meet curator Marie Fraser to know all there is to know about L’œil attentif exhibition, result of a large project of Investigative Museology.

Commented visits – April 29 and May 20, 2023
As part of the Tons, teintes, nuances exhibition, we invite you to join us twice at the Guido Molinari Foundation for a guided tour in the company of the artists.
Take advantage of their presence to ask questions about their work, their creative process and the works on display.