
Sophie Lanctôt, Mallarmé, Molinari: CROSSWORDS

JUNE 6 – AUGUST 25 2024

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The Guido Molinari Foundation

About Us

The fruit of a generous gesture by the artist, the Guido Molinari Foundation aims to foreground and perpetuate his creative work through the establishment of an exhibition, documentation, conference, education and creation centre in his last studio, located in a former bank in the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neigbourhood. The organization’s mandate is to maintain a reference museum for Molinari’s work, and to promote the presentation of other contemporary artists in a way that reflects issues raised by his work. The Foundation thus seeks to contribute to theoretical debates, promote transhistorical dialogues and offer artists and curators the opportunity to revisit art historical works from a present-day perspective.



September 14 to December 17, 2023

June 14 to August 27, 2023

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