Educational Actions

The Foundation wishes to offer teachers resources and tools to introduce their students to contemporary art and the work of Guido Molinari. We offer free workshops and custom tours for all kinds of audiences, including school groups, day camps, community groups and families.

Contact our mediation manager for more information and to find out how we can accommodate your group’s needs.

Le son des mots – At all times

Slip into the shoes of a poet! Through games that use words, sounds and rhymes, children learn to write their own poem. They’ll mix and match words to explore new ways of expressing emotions, recounting fond memories and inventing new stories.

Duration: 1h30, including the visit of the ongoing exhibition
Ages: 6 to 12 years old

Affiche tes couleurs ! – At all times

Did you know? Molinari produced a poster for the 1976 Montreal Olympics. Create your own using available materials (pencils, paint, paper) and explore the links between art and sports.

Duration: 1h15, including the visit of the ongoing exhibition
Ages: 4 to 12 years old

Hard-edge painting activity – At all times

Workshop to create works of art using Guido Molinari’s favorite techniques. Use tape to create vertical strips, triangles and grids that can be painted in any colour. Learn to play with colours and what they can evoke.

Duration: 1h30, including the visit of the ongoing exhibition
Ages: 6 to 12 years old

Guido Molinari, Mutation quadruple (detail), 1964. Photo: Guy L’Heureux.

Op at the top! – At all times

Guido Molinari took part in a major exhibition in New York in 1965 entitled The Responsive Eye, where numerous works of optical art – also known as op art – were presented. After a demonstration of optical effects and works of optical art, participants will in turn create a work by applying the new knowledge they have acquired.

Duration: 1h30, including the visit of the ongoing exhibition
Ages: 6 to 12 years old

Photo: Guido Molinari Foundation.

Imaginary Correspondences – At all times

Artist Fiona Annis was inspired by Guido Molinari’s written correspondences to make her exhibition Correspondences: letters he received from friends, family and fellow artists.

Letters are a way of recounting adventures that have happened to us, or memories we want to keep. They can even contain drawings and a few surprises…

This workshop will enable children to explore correspondence, whether written or drawn, from preparation to dispatch! Together, we’ll create a letter that he or she can send home to rediscover the stories behind it.

Duration: 1h30, including the visit of the ongoing exhibition
Ages: 4 to 12 years old

Photo: Guido Molinari Foundation.

Group tours – At all times

Available upon reservation.

Contact our mediation manager to book a tour for your group.

The content of tours varies according to our programming and is adapted to the group.

Photo: Katya Konioukhova.

Bubble painting – Spring Break 2023

After visiting the Tons, teintes, nuances exhibition, participants are invited to create works of art using a very special technique: bubble paint! Using a dilution of paint and straws, follow in the footsteps of the artists in the exhibition and explore colour by superimposing several of them. Observe the abstract result: what shapes do you see in what you’ve created? Have you created new colours by mixing them?

Luce Meunier, Mousse no 3 (détail), 2022
Luce Meunier, Mousse no 3 (detail), 2022. Photo: Mike Patten.

Molinari: Haut en couleur – Journées de la culture 2022

Workshop to create a work of art using Guido Molinari’s favorite techniques using painter’s tape. Learn to play with colours and what they can evoke. The workshop follows a guided tour of the Molinari, the Sixties exhibition.

Photo: Anthony Nadon.

Family Activity: Drawing? Do it with your eyes closed! – Spring Break 2022

After a dynamic and playful tour of our exhibition R. Holland Murray: Unpacking/oeuvres choisies, a short art workshop is offered for families, where participants will be invited to make blind drawings inspired by the series of dark drawings Guido Molinari made in the 50s!

Between shapes and colours – Journées de la culture 2021

After a dynamic and entertaining guided tour of the exhibition Gaucher, Molinari, Tousignant : Around Barnett Newman, a family art workshop is proposed, where participants will use hard-edge techniques to create their own reduced-size version of one of the works in the exhibition, while exploring the dialogue between shapes and colors typical of geometric abstraction!

Photo Guy L'Heureux
Photo: Guy L’Heureux.