Molinari, the Sixties

September 22 to December 17, 2022

Curator : Margarida Mafra

The 1960s corresponded to a prolific period for Guido Molinari, during which he never ceased to question the full creative potential of his vertical stripes of color. The spontaneous and expressive gestures of his canvases from the early 1950s turn into a hard-edge technique; the thick pictorial layer and the superimposed touches of color, which already foreshadowed a tendency to verticality, become serial compositions in which color is energy and vibration.

The 1960s were also the decade of international and institutional recognition. After his participation in the famous exhibition The Responsive Eye at the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA) in 1965, having consecrated op art as a movement, Guido Molinari represented Canada, alongside the Quebecois Ulysse Comtois, at the 34th Venice Biennial of Contemporary Art.

The Foundation’s new exhibition, Molinari, The Sixties, brings together selected works from our collection to make you (re)discover “Moli”’s artistic journey throughout this decade, passing from the famous canvases with vertical stripes to his forays into the world of sculpture, collage and screen printing.

View of the exhibition: