Molinari (2018)
Directed by Gilles Daigneault and Margarida Mafra.
François-Marc Gagnon, Roald Nasgaard, Marc Séguin and Bernard Teyssèdre.
325 pages.
Graphic design: Fleury/Savard
Image editing: Denis Rainville
Printing: Deschamps Impression
Distribution: ABC Livres d’Art Canada Inc.
ISBN FR: 978-2-9816233-6-2 (couverture rigide)
ISBN EN: 978-2-9816233-7-9 (hardcover)
Price: 59,95$
”Moli” would’ve been 85 in 2018. For the occasion, the Guido Molinari Foundation presents you this publication. The book, simply entitled Molinari, hefty and abundantly illustrated, is 325 pages long and is the first of its kind entirely dedicated to the artist. This publication brings together texts from three prominent art historians who spent a lot of time with the artist during his days : Bernard Teyssèdre, François-Marc Gagnon, Roald Nasgaard – with, as a bonus, a text from the painter Marc Séguin who talks about his teacher from the 90s, ”the one who didn’t teach like the others”. The book is available in English and in French versions.
Other books
You can also purchase a few other publications directly at the Foundation, namely:
Meredith Carruthers et Claudine Déom (2014). Une banque dans Hochelaga – L’immeuble de la Fondation Guido Molinari. Montréal : Fondation Guido Molinari. (French only)
Sandra Grant Marchand et Roald Nasgaard (1995). Guido Molinari, une rétrospective. Montréal : Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal. (French only)
Lisa Bouraly, Gilles Daigneault, Lise Lamarche (2016). L’Actuelle. Montréal : Éditions du passage, Fondation Guido Molinari. (French only)
Marie-Ève Beaupré (2008). Molinari et la couleur. Montréal : Éditions Simon Blais. (English/French)
James D. Campbell. Molinari Studies. New York : 49th Parallel, 1987. (English)
Guido Molinari, préface : Gilles Daigneault, postface : Patrick Lafontaine (2017). Nul mot : Les livres d’artiste de Guido Molinari. Montréal : Éditions du Noroît. (French only)