Selected Works in the Conseil des arts de Montréal en tournée program

January 28, 2009 to March 28, 2010

Over a period of 14 months, the exhibition created by the Guido Molinari Foundation, with more or less significant changes dictated by the configuration and the capacity of the exhibition halls in each of the centres which received the exhibition, was presented in Lasalle (Centre Henri-Lemieux), Pointe-Claire (Stewart Hall Art Gallery), Verdun (Cultural Centre), South West Montréal (Maison de la culture Marie-Uguay), Lachine (Lachine Museum), Rivière-des-Prairies-Pointe-aux-Trembles (Maison de la culture Pointe-aux-Trembles) and Dorval (Dorval Cultural Centre). The CAM published a folder to accompany this travelling exhibition.