Music to see: L’oreille attentive, Molinari Quarter Concert

December 16, 2023

The first concert of the 2023-24 Music to See series by the Molinari Quartet taking place at the Guido Molinari Foundation on Saturday December 16, 2023 at 3 pm coincides with the last weekend of the beautiful exhibition L’oeil attentif.

Our concert L’oreille attentive proposes to the public a musical journey all in refinement with three Canadian works and an excerpt of the celebrated Quartet in G by Claude Debussy.

Otto Joachim : Quatuor (1997)
Brian Cherney : Quatuor no 7
R. Murray Schafer : Quatuor no 2 Waves
Franghiz Ali-Zadeh : Reqs

Tickets : 20$ on sale at the door (general admission).