Molinari: A book, an exhibition

October 18 to December 16, 2018

“Moli” would have turned 85 years of age on October 12, 2018 and for the occasion the Foundation is launching a book and an exhibition.

First, the monograph, simply entitled Molinari, a large volume of 325 pages, is the first publication of its kind dedicated to the artist. In particular, it includes texts by three well-known art historians who have spent a great deal of time with the artist – Bernard Teyssèdre, François-Marc Gagnon and Roald Nasgaard – with, in addition, a testimony of the painter Marc Séguin who talks about his teacher in the 1990s, the one who “did not teach like the others”. The book, published by the Foundation, in collaboration with its graphic designer Francine Savard, exists in French and English versions.

Then, as a counterpoint, the exhibition brings together some 25 works by Molinari, made between 1953 and 2002, where highly celebrated creations alternate – such as Abstraction 1955, which caused a sensation at the first exhibition of the Association of Non-Figurative Artists of Montreal (AANFM) at the restaurant Hélène de Champlain, Mutation vert-rouge and Mutation jaune-ocre which were shown respectively at the cult exhibition The Responsive Eye at the MoMA, and at the XXXIV International Biennial of Venice; and others that will be (re) discovered with pleasure, including a series of 1958 large-format drawings that Molinari consistently incorporated into his most important exhibitions. In a way, this exhibition shows you several page of the book.