L’oeil avale, a selection of poets

January 24, 2016

The Guido Molinari Foundation presented readings of Quebec poets inspired by surrealism, on Thursday January 24, 2016, in the main room of the painter’s former studio.

In the spirit of the vernissages at the L’Actuelle gallery, where poetry and pictorial art cohabitated,  L’oeil avale proposes an evening of readings of the works of 14 poets surrounding the tutelary figure of Molinari.

Thus, within the exhibition of Quantifiers,  there will be an offering of poems by Michèle Drouin, Claude Gauvreau, Roland Giguère, Claude Haeffely, Anne Hébert, Gilles Hénault, Paul-Marie Lapointe, Jean-Paul Martino, Suzanne Meloche, Gaston Miron, Thérèse Renaud, Micheline Sainte-Marie, Fernande Saint-Martin, Françoise Sullivan and, of course, Guido Molinari.  A glass of wine will close the event, held in the presence of some of the poets read.

With readers Martine Audet, Denise Desautels, Louise Dupré, Patrick Lafontaine, Michaël Trahan and François Turcot, accompanied with music by Guido Del Fabbro.

Our thanks to the Éditions de l’Hexagone, to Herbes Rouges and to the Presses de l’Université de Montréal.