Round table – Muséologie d’enquête : l’investigation ayant mené à la reconstitution de l’exposition The Responsive Eye

October 21, 2023

On Saturday, October 21, 2023, at 2 p.m., a round table discussion moderated by Marie Fraser will bring together collaborators on the Investigative Museology project that gave us the exhibition L’œil attentif.

(In French). Free admission. No reservation required.

This round table brings together the research team who worked on the reenactment of a fragment of the landmark op art exhibition The Responsive Eye, presented at the New York Museum of Modern Art in 1965. It will provide an opportunity to discuss the investigative methods used to study the circulation of exhibitions and works of art during one of the most intense periods of the Cold War (1950-1965). The investigation enabled us to amass extensive visual documentation, including exhibition views, photographs of the movement and transportation of artworks, and to produce evidence such as exhibition plans, lists of works and artists, trajectories and cartographies. It also led us down unsuspected paths to the offices of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Langley, Virginia.

Investigative Museology is a research project on the history of exhibitions and the circulation of works of art, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. How and why do works of art travel from one country to another? How are they moved? How are they exhibited, and for what purposes?

Hend Ben Salah, doctoral student in art history at UQAM
Marie Fraser, curator of the exhibition L’œil attentif, professor in the Department of Art History at UQAM and holder of the Research Chair in Curatorial Studies and Practices
Louis-Charles Lasnier, Professor, UQAM School of Design
Anne-Sophie Miclo, doctoral student in art history at UQAM
Monika Wright, Master’s student in art history, UQAM

Facebook event:

L’œil attentif receives support from the Chaire de recherche en études et pratiques curatoriales de l’UQAM and the Art et Musée team, which is funded by the Fonds de recherche du Québec (FRQSC) and associated with the CIÉCO research and reflection group.