Contrebande, a group show in partnership with UQAM

March 6 to April 5, 2014

The Guido Molinari Foundation presented under the title Contrebande, the work of seventeen members of the graduating class at the School for visual and media arts at UQAM.

The Foundation was immediately receptive to the concept of this exhibition, an original idea of Professors Christine Major and Anne Ramsden, in part because of the deep commitment of Molinari to the world of university education.A passing reference to the formal aspect of the artist’s work has been transformed into a broader consideration of the ideas of frontiers and territories in art: the works exhibited will show a willingness to question the status of objects, to tell a story, and to carry the observer to a place which is outside of reality, apart from the quotidian. The work in the exhibition resided at the very edges of artistic disciplines, with a view to shaking the beliefs of the viewer. The context for these experiments will be the former bank premises, which became the Molinari’s home and creative environment, and the Hochelaga-Maisonneuve neighbourhood in which they are located. Contrebande may suggest both reliance on, and opposition to, the band.

In any case, Molinari would have been delighted by the intrusion of these young creators into his bank: Fannie Bisson, Audrey Kinkead, Marie Poirier Landry, Arianne Blanchet-Lapointe, Karine Madran, Amélie Riendeau, Stephanie Castonguay, Andréanne Martin, Geneviève Santerre, Kathy Chagnon, Léa Noacco, Carolyne Paquette, Felix Chartré-Lefevbre, Sarah Osborne, Shanie Tomassini, Julie Crevier, Boris Perraud.

Exhibition views: