Thursday December 5th, 2024 at 6 pm
The Guido Molinari Foundation, in collaboration with the Festival de la poésie de Montréal, invites you to an immersive and engaging experience in the form of a collective dinner as a space for dialogue, sharing and creation. Nadia Myre will be accompanied by the poets Nicholas Dawson, Flavia Garcia and Lorrie Jean-Louis, invited by Catherine Cormier-Larose, Director of the Festival de la poésie de Montréal. They will gather around the family table that sits at the heart of the exhibition Tout geste est/et politique. Nadia Myre, Robert Myre & Molinari to exchange about belonging, identity and family rituals, while sharing their poetry over a very special meal.
Concocted under the supervision of Paryse Taillefer, passionate about art and cuisine, collector and owner of the restaurant La Paryse, the meal will be cooked in clay casseroles similar to those used by Robert Myre with his daughter Nadia, and by Guido Molinari with his children.
This event echoes the social struggles and cultural movements that marked Quebec in the 60s and 70s, and pays personal tribute to Nadia’s father (typographer, publisher and union educator Robert Myre) and that period of rebellion, openness and counter-culture, while associating him with his own struggle for the First Nations. Inspired by the mythical cabarets Chants et poèmes de la résistance and their book form by Robert Myre, this event aims to explore the links between poetry, art and the spirit of rebellion that have shaped and continue to shape Quebec identity.
This project will offer each of our guests the opportunity to reappropriate and reinvent the poetic and artistic heritage of Quebec’s social struggles, while creating new links between the different generations and cultures that cohabit the neighborhood and the city of Tiohtià:ke/Montreal. It will be a powerful moment of solidarity, memory and shared hope.
Free admission, mandatory reservation. A light meal will be provided so that all participants can share the menu. Wine will be on sale.